@33MHz to my business associates, but you can call me Robert.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

@pnut developerd
Notes on wiki.pnut.io
I take being emperor seriously but I feel like I'm the only one.

Anything new?

Tornado watches in effect in these parts, so maybe some wind will come through tonight.
I have the power! But, I need the M.2 drive. It was supposed to come with one, but I wasn't going to trust it, and it didn't come with one anyway.
@igmp_join ugh
Got a very affordable tree service to take down 8 trees Friday. But I have to cut 'em up with Dad. We got a lot done today in just a couple hours. I'm thinking I'll rent a chipper for the leafy branches.
@papierzeit @mandy @spacenerdmo @mikehoss @joe @sloanb @streakmachine @neil @lena @esilena @coopey @miki @blumenkraft @flashblu @theprawn @ki6bjv @charlesg @bayprogrammer @bazbt3 @habanero Cheers and a very late #TGIF! 👋
@ccp @jeremy @jdscolam @ericd @jeremycherfas @manx @peemee @i70dan @joanna @phoneboy @nitinkhanna @hutattedonmyarm @ludolphus A very late TGIF to y'all! Any plans for the weekend?
It's raining heavily in Casablanca and Young Frankenstein.
Deciding what movie to watch based on the state of the rain.
Real Spring rain
"Casablanca is so fun, it's great." -3yo
@thedoctor whew. It's raining here, and a long weekend, but hopefully good stuff worked on for me. Cheers.
May is coming on quickly!
Heavy rain
"Just as the banking, credit card and cable industries have provided secureaccess to your information online, the utility industry is poised to do the sameusing advanced security and encryption technology to safeguard your data."
Somehow I missed that Little Sisters of the Poor closed their STL office. Shucks.
cookie jar (l)

Little Sisters of the Poor – St. Louis, MO Office

Our Sisters first came to the St. Louis area in 1869. For 150 years, thousands of elderly poor received compassionate and devoted care, and were accompanied by our Sisters on their final journey home to God. As part of a strategic plan aimed at strengthening our ministry and bolstering the quality of our religious and community life, the Little Sisters have recognized the need to withdraw from a certain number of Homes in the United States, while at the same time dedicating their resources to much needed upgrades and reconstruction projects in several others. We had to make the difficult decision to no longer have a Home in St. Louis. However, we still maintain an office that supports our mission. We are privileged to be able to care for the elderly poor and witness the sacredness of every life in 23 Homes throughout the U.S.…

Read on Longpo.st

@mandy Waveform mimo.
"Novelty Chattering Teeth Still Fillibustering"
New Live Poll Lets Pundits Pander To Viewers In Real Time [youtube.com]
Wife (passed by 33MHz)
Planted these Blue Flag Iris a few years ago, first time they’ve bloomed! I think they like wetter soil than they usually get. :/
cookie jar (i)
well I got an antenna, and it's crazy nice. Certainly performing better with zero tuning. It would be a lot better mounted outside, or better positioned.

Anything old?