@Wife to my business associates, but you can call me Anna.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

Cooking, baking, kids, boardgames, gardening, and nonsense.

Shiny is better.

@igmp_join it’s actually the ICP origin story…
@igmp_join yes, like the limerick!

There was a young man with lumbago
who wanted the new Voltron Lego.
When he got to the store,
there, alas, were no more.
So he contented himself with Grape Faygo.
I’m bad at getting rid of things, but at least I come by it honestly.
@habanero “if a “disability” really only becomes a problem in one setting— our factory-model K-12 system— (we should) challenge that label.”
@habanero this whole chapter is about how the 12 grade system tends to force a specific narrow type of learning on kids, and punishes normal differences in style/preference ie auditory vs visual learners. Whew
“Our national response to an underperforming or failing student isn’t to question or rework the system. It’s to slap a label on the child.”

from Rethinking school
“In coining this term (learning disability) he gave us a way to classify learning differences that enabled us to stop thinking about how the system might need to change— and encouraged us to focus on the student, not school, as the problem”
@peemee weird, hope he’s okay. :p
@SpaceNerdMo been waiting on the sane one 😂😂
Seen its Daylily
cookie jar (i)
Loads of zinnias and sunflowers blooming. Enjoying giving them away to folks.
Drinking a Bud Select at a Union Hall fish fry, am I from Saint Louis now?
Got the phone calls taken care of, 6 different appointments on 5 different days. “Can any of these be combined?” “No”
Whelp. At least it’s all on the calendar
Kid 1: I’m going to check outside to see if your new friend is there
Kid 2: who is my new friend?
Kid 1. Uhhhh, Idiot. It’s Idiot.
Kid 3: Elliot, it’s Elliot.

Talked myself up to make phone calls and got an answering machine. Doh
Seriously, I’m so spoiled, we always do things Thursday mornings, during the school year, because NO CROWDS!
Homeschooling means never having to go to the Zoo during peak hours— except when Cousins visit 😝😝
@igmp_join I had never heard of it before I met the G&P crew. I remember something similar one year at VBS in Chattanooga, but not a gutter? @33MHz
Heat index is already at 103 F
Going to be a scorcher
@thedoctor nice! I was looking at our primed dining room the other day, thinking it might be time to pick a paint color

You gave up too much to turn back now.