
The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

I break things, but I also put them back together. [EN|CY|CG|FR|NL]

Shiny is better.

Every year, USian companes love sending a spammy email with a variation of no treats, all treats as the subject. It pains me knowing good copywriters struggling for work and seeing this.
My self-built feed reader now correctly generates OPML files which is wonderful.
@33MHz Autumn arrives here this weekend, or Fall if you prefer. Pumpkin soup time!
@habanero I really want to see/try the Clicks keyboard IRL.
Just got a 404 error inside my brain.
@habanero I was tempted by the keyboard on the Minimal phone. I have a feeling that if I got one I wouldn’t get the 4 years minimum I want out of a phone. (If it ever ships!)
@igmp_join I chose noodles 😁
Could also decide whether to buy a Murena phone or inertia into a final(?) iOS phone. Not getting a Jolla x Reeder phone - it sounds pants and they might not get enough orders to reach production.
Got some stupid job applications to do. Or, I can stagnate in the current job, eat noodles, and finish the X-Files instead.
If I have to give you my email address for it, then it is not free.
SimpleXML in PHP is still broken, I announce. Shortly after I discover it is me who is broken.
Opening XCode for the first time in years. What do we reckon? 4hr of updates before I can use it?
@33MHz We have rain so it's an indoors weekend :(
@33MHz Not sure my aging body will enjoy getting up at 2.30am!
Remember being young and having chunks of time uninterrupted by responsibilities? Wish I had made the most of that.
@33MHz Well, I demonstrate anything is possible ... with luck and chaos.
Learn by doing. Learn by breaking things. omg why did I do that. I can't fix it. Learn by StackOverflow. Learn by guesswork. Accidentally fix it. Learn nothing.
Kid didn’t know who Daphne and Celeste are. Schools are failing.
"Apple is overhauling the Mail app with Apple Intelligence." Or as an alternative feature... how about 'piss off and leave my email alone', Apple?
@33MHz We were due a storm yesterday, instead we kept the heat and the humidity jumped all the way up. Grim.

You gave up too much to turn back now.