@shawn It's documented in that there's a sample project from WWDC20, but that's all UIKit and not SwiftUI. Also, 90% of SwiftUI blog posts are for iOS. Try to do anything SwiftUI on macOS or tvOS and it quickly because a lesson in dealing with frustration
@shawn it gets even weirder with PIP: it’s enabled by default in AVPlayerViewContoller… but only if you have the correct entitlement and have configured the AVAudioSession to allow playback in the background.
This is because PIP functionality (activate, restore, swap) is based on presenting the AVPlayer view modally… from a view controller. So you have to drop down to UIKit to make it happen and employ a hack to get the UIHostingViewController for a given scene
There's still some notable gaps in SwiftUI. Especially on tvOS.
It's currently impossible to create a tvOS in pure SwiftUI with streaming video that supports all the picture-in-picture functionality—which is kind of the feature users expect to be "free"