@33MHz yeehaw! It's the weekend! Time to get the cold water therapy tub back into action.
/@habanero @bazbt3 @bayprogrammer @charlesg @ki6bjv @theprawn @flashblu @blumenkraft @ericd @jdscolam @jeremy
cookie jar (i)
@ccp have fun. don't get a heart attack!
@blumenkraft I will try not to, thank you. I don't know if I would classify it as fun, but it really does make you feel really good. Sleep tends to be so much better too!
@ccp is this generally done before rest and that’s why it has an effect on sleep? I’m looking at this like - “hey maybe I could give that a go” but not up to speed on details.
@habanero some people use it that way, or after sports/exercise, but the main point is to harness the body’s natural healing powers. My wife and I work from home and we generally take a dip at the end of the working day.
@ccp yes. IIRC, it jumpstarts the lymph nodes. As you may know, the guy at the centre of all this is Wim Hof, and I think he can do hours in the tub. But I think I’m going to start off with a minute or two. What’s your current time range?
@habanero @ccp I’ve heard people disparage it as hokey/homeopathic but it has benefits, increasing blood flow is a major way of helping the body do its own thing (recovery πŸ‘Œ)

In the dance world I’ve heard only bits about Wim Hof, all pretty bonkers!
@shawn @ccp hmmm. So to expand on this: nitric oxide increases blood flow which then decreases blood pressure. It’s true one can have too much of a good thing, but I have considered taking NO supplements alongside cold water tub treatment.
@habanero my usual time is around 12-15 minutes, but the water is not ice cold. We have just purchased a new cover for our pod which should help keep the temperature lower though.
@ccp for someone who’s brand new, 12-15 sounds like a long time but I’m sure it’s just a matter of adjustment to what’s comfortable. Like you said, not *ice cold* β˜ƒοΈ
@habanero I started off at 1-3 minutes and progressed further over time. One thing to bear in mind is to move occasionally, as the longer you are stationary, the "warmer" you feel. It's like a layer around you that your body heat warms up... (1/2)
@ccp thanks for all the advice on this! Any reputable brands you’d recommend or is it a sea of similarities and no real winner?
@habanero we went with a brand called "Lumi Therapy", they are UK based but ship worldwide. They have some great offers on just now. https://lumitherapy.co.uk/products/recovery-pod-max. What we have is last year's version, but we added the Ultra Cover.
@habanero (2/2) …and when you move, you break the layer and it gets colder again. It is a strange feeling, but you get used to it. The benefits will soon become apparent.
@ccp in Germany, it's a whole thing. It's called "kneippen" (with double 'p' - not to confuse with 'kneipen' which means going from pub to pub to get drunk).
@ccp There is this guy Kneipp who made it big. There are 815 public Kneipp places. Every state has some. :)
@blumenkraft wow! I had never hear of him before. I learned about cold therapy from seeing this guy on TV – https://www.wimhofmethod.com/cold-therapy
@blumenkraft @ccp between this and mid-winter Lüften, I feel Germans have a thing for randomly making things cold.

Also, I think I’ve walked past one of these in my area. I didn’t know it also had a name, Kneipp
@blumenkraft to me, both would be good πŸ˜†