@shawn to my business associates, but you can call me Shawn Throop.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

A Canadian idiot dancing with Saarländisches Staatstheater. When I manage my time right, I double as a self taught iOS developer.

Shiny is better.

I don’t understand the lingo of the youngsters anymore, but it’s clear the past’s ideals are done. I see it when 20 year-olds refuse to sit silent, and it breaks me to know why they’re so tenacious.

Followed some posts from Vivian [threads.net] (aka Elon’s daughter) on Threads this morning. Oddly, it made me feel hopeful. Not because Elon is doing anything well or loving, but because she’s somehow still here, making sense, and unwilling to let him smother her.
@i70dan dang, I missed this last night. Happy belated!
@habanero @33MHz oh it was fantastic, best Indian I’ve had in a very long time. It was the first time I’ve had the fortitude to ask for 3 out of 4 on the spice scale.
Oh my, I ordered Indian food in a country that actually respects the term spicy. Currently I'm re-enacting that scene from Ted Lasso. Am not mad, just a little teary eyed
I might have the house to myself tonight... #MNDP
Thunder Bay has some great food, Roosters [roostersbistro.com] and Subdivision [tomlinsubdivision.com] have become my yearly spots to check in on.
@33MHz ahh yeah, I remember now, my first time tuning in was the 10th anniversary!

Hopefully by then, I’ll have a new track or two gleaned from my brother
@33MHz they definitely are, but ironically because of my vacation I’m actually more busy on Mondays lol. I’m hoping to join in August when I settle in the east coast but for now I’m visiting with friends and family up north.
@33MHz this is also true for me, I'm a huge procrastinator so pnut stuff is the perfect thing to be "distracted" with while I'm trying to avoid doing other things.
@33MHz I feel ya, that's been the last few weeks of development for me as well, though with the Prose code base
@33MHz nice. My family used to yearly drive east past Quebec and up over Maine into New Brunswick, beautiful areas around the St. Lawrence River.
@kyle Thunder Bay for a bit, then the east coast for a bit more
@33MHz ah nice, whereabouts?
Back in Canada land!
@33MHz perfect for a long train ride tomorrow.
The new presentation backend is working nicely too, still need to finish that big refactor though. So much unused code lying around…
Prose on device is so nice
Okay, the app’s hierarchy and dependencies are all clear and working. Now I need to delete many, many lines of code and remove some underscores from replacement types.

Need to add users back to the timelines and load it back on my personal phone.
Makes presenting a website inline easy:

.sheet(item: $url, id: \.self, from: backing, on: queue) { url in
if url.isFileURL {
} else {
SFSafariViewController(url: url)

Also, notice Views along side UIViewControllers.

You gave up too much to turn back now.