Followed some posts from Vivian [] (aka Elon’s daughter) on Threads this morning. Oddly, it made me feel hopeful. Not because Elon is doing anything well or loving, but because she’s somehow still here, making sense, and unwilling to let him smother her.

Tailed by: habanero

I don’t understand the lingo of the youngsters anymore, but it’s clear the past’s ideals are done. I see it when 20 year-olds refuse to sit silent, and it breaks me to know why they’re so tenacious.

@shawn I mean they have a lot to fight for; its just they go about it all the ways and for all the reasons I don't understand either.
@habanero oh I understand, young people (not just the LGBTQ+) are fighting for their lives, their identity, and their mental health. I realize we're talking a bit vague at the moment, but whats not understandable?
@shawn I would argue a lot of that identity is digital and doesn't matter. But they've never lived outside of a 24/7 internet connection, so I don't expect them to know that. :)
@habanero and I would argue that it does matter. I’m reacting so harshly to your phrasing that I’m working on the assumption I’ve misunderstood something. We’re still in vague terms here, any chance you could elaborate further?
@shawn Zoomers are the cancer that will break the world with their shenanigans. And yes, I'm all the way in on the satirical inter-generational war regarding Eminem's latest album drop.
@habanero you know a lot of that album is very much about how we’re all zoomers in our own way and that we’re all not zoomers too? And that labels shouldn’t define us or our beliefs? And that judging an entire section of society is dangerous and unhinged?
@shawn as for your OP, I am less than inspired by Vivian's and Elon's drama and I'm saying that as someone who identifies as enby. She's a wealthy trans person looking for exposure like her father. The acorn didn't fall far from the tree IMO.
@habanero I hear what you’re saying about nepotism, rich people, and how they’re spouting stuff online. But, I think you might have heard me type label when in reality I said identity (and even more specifically, not what one identifies with/as)
@habanero from my perspective though, if no one opposes public hate speech in public, the hate will win. And by win I mean break the world like you say.
@habanero identity has been a weird thing for me recently. I’ve come to really think in these terms: I care more deeply about someone’s identity (who they are) then what they choose to align themselves with to describe who they are.

Does that make sense?
@shawn our identity changes over time and so the world changes with us gradually. Make of that what you will, friend. This is yet another phase of human structuring and organization. It will pass like the others; I need not be involved and so I am not.
hmmm... trans flag emoji just displays as just blank white.