
The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

Shiny is better.

@Caliban87 nearly-tautologically-true answer: there's gotta be some sort of balancing selection pressure(s), but I'm not sure what they are. You'd think selection would be way stronger in favor of type-A personalities
@PhoneBoy goodness gracious. I can only wish you the best of luck during all this.
@ryb Sure, but a lot of millenials and especially zoomers don't know of him as anything other than some kind of elderly philanthropist. I figure to hate Bill Gates yourself, you need to be at least 35, if not 40.
@igmp_join get a 4K monitor at that size (1080×1920 points from 3840×2160 pixels). I assume your OS doesn't botch display scaling.

That said, I've only seen these in 27" sizes or smaller.
Hi, everybody. Figured I'd let the Pnut folks know that @matigo has returned and there's quite a story behind it. Details can be found at https://matigo.ca - click on "Notes" for more.

Just glad he's OK.
@33MHz no idea. Never heard of "conscious capitalists". Probably not, guessing by the wording you've used.

He does have a long-term plan, though.
@33MHz Depends on what the more is.

Elon Musk wants to get to Mars. His plan seems to be going OK well enough.
@Caliban87 never gets old
@ryb The transition's kind of rough but being able to swipe to switch to the previous app is kind of handy occasionally.
@kyo The hard part is writing down when you last played it. I reinstalled Steam on new computers and the new computers didn't know when I last played it.

Me, I had to guess when I last played TSP. Luckily, I didn't run the game again too soon.
@kyo Thanks for mentioning it — I just got it.

I can't wait to get the "Super Go Outside" achievement.
@nitinkhanna https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ is what everyone thinks of, although I'd have to work up from way simpler problems to get the syntax just right
@Streakmachine stocks in the shipping company, or a battery for a desktop computer and its peripherals?
@Kabuku @joanna I have a wrecked left glute from a 7-mile walk and a wrecked right shoulder from a TDAP vax (neither is healing fast), and it's not like yoga will get my heart to 150 BPM, but it's nice to have something light to do at home at 11 PM.
@Kabuku @joanna I'm happy enough with my watch-and-phone-guided yoga practice, but I'm not sure I've noticed any benefits from it. Then again, yoga seems to be one of those things that prevent "oops, accidentally got wrecked" from overdoing yardwork, etc.
@joe @mandy I've seen per-mille signs on a couple of indie calculators and in Unicode code-point tables, but that's about it. Never used one.
@jacobrealo It's a good update.
@jacobrealo not many art assets, no custom font anymore, no gazillion different UI classes made by multiple teams that haven't been consolidated, no React Native…yeah, sounds about right.
@sham wow, gratz and good luck and ganbatte
@ryb I think part of it is a lot of bundled assets, like fonts for Office and indepdently-bundled clipart for the other office things

I don't have a good answer for Teams, though

also they're not delta updates, right?

Anything old?