I should reduce the amount of email addresses I have. Time to consolidate!

One for trash.
One for stuff I want.
One to tell almost nobody about.

Sounds about right.
@33MHz @streakmachine I've actually been doing consolidation recently myself. Moved to just two inboxes now with few addresses which are kept for legacy reasons. One inbox for public and the other just friends & family.
@thrrgilag @33MHz Think I’ll go somewhere along that path. I just want to find out where the crud is coming from, straight out ask the offending party, and see what they respond.
@Streakmachine Fastmail offers members disposable weird-looking e-mail addresses to use when you have to supply one to random companies. I haven’t tried it yet.
@mandy I think there might be something along those lines with ProtonMail, but I’ll have to double-check.

Could use the feature Apple has, I suppose, but I prefer to stay platform agnostic.
@Streakmachine @mandy Since Fastmail is Australian-based, I can't trust it anymore due to the draconian laws there over the past few years.

I usually use ProtonMail, Tutanota, Posteo or Mailbox.org as alternatives since they have better jurisdictions.
@joe @Streakmachine oh I thought Fastmail servers lived somewhere in North America but hq was in Australia.
@Streakmachine I have over a dozen gmail accounts and have been letting hotmail, xfinity, yahoo and others evaporate with the changing objectives of the providers. Even "family" was too weak a category to firewall traffic from commerce, causes...
@prometheus Totally know the pain you’re describing! Some services shut down, got bought up and dismantled, or I just outgrew them.

Now I just need to get some semblance of order lest I take a long walk off a short pier.