@peemee to my business associates, but you can call me "Proper Strong.".

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

Abuser of tea, coffee & cheese. Mac, iOS & Android (Nokia G60) user. Was @pme on ADN. Welcome to The Pnut Gallery.

Anything new?

@33MHz Can’t make it. Laid up in hospital being treated for severe gout.
/@thrrgilag @thedoctor @sulgi @Smashley @shawn @sham @ryantharp @po @pixiefunk @OptimisticOtter @nogoat23 @mandy @luminocta @linkwb @lena @kyo @kyle @joanna @jdscolam @j388923r
@Streakmachine Any complex system which works has invariably evolved from a simpler system that worked better…
Because of my age I'm often mistaken for an adult…
@33MHz Not very. We saw 23ºC today. Supposed to be summer.
18: The effort of towelling yourself off after a shower means you need another shower right away.
19: You worry the ceiling fan is spinning so fast it will fly off and kill you.
20: You laugh because you know this list is so accurate.
16: A blackout is life threatening because the air conditioner and fans stop working.
17: You keep everything in the fridge, including clothing.
12: The trees are whistling for dogs.
13: Shopping Centres are temples where you worship air conditioning.
14: Sticking your head in freezers is considered normal.
15: A cup full of ice is considered a great snack.
9: Your biggest bicycle fear is "what if I get knocked out and end up cooking on the road".
10: You realise asphalt is a liquid state.
11: Farmers are feeding chickens ice to prevent hard boiled eggs.
4: The temp drops below 32ºC and you feel chilly.
5: You learn it only takes 2 fingers to steer a car.
6: You can sunburn through the windscreen of a car.
7: You develop a fear of door handles.
8: You break into a sweat at 7am.
You know it's HOT in Australia when....

1: The best carpark is determined by shade, not distance.
2: Hot water comes out of both taps.
3: You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a good branding iron.
If you take a social media sabbatical, don’t announce it. Just make your last post something fun like “I wonder if there’s a bear in this cave?”
A Turkish proverb: "The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the Axe, for the Axe was clever and convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them."
The cover page of my upcoming autobiography…
cookie jar (i)
@33MHz Recovery is just about done.
Having that laser procedure was why I missed #MNDP yesterday
I had developed blurred vision in one eye about 6 weeks ago. After cataract surgery the rear of the capsule containing the new lens can cloud over and a laser was used yesterday to blast a hole through that opaque membrane. Google Posterior Capsulotomy.
Stop blaming yourself or others.

Learn Feng Shui and blame the furniture.
I strained my lower back 11 days ago swinging a line trimmer from side to side. Sleep has been fitful/elusive since then due to the level of pain. The condition is degenerative.
The next time you have company, serve them a bowl
of shelled peanuts.
After they've eaten a few handfuls, casually mention
that you've never liked peanuts, but you love to suck
the chocolate off of them.
Stop blaming yourself or others.
Learn Feng Shui and blame the furniture

Anything old?