Gossip around @anth

Shiny is better.

@anth My 5yo is a firefly whisperer.
@anth Shucks. Hope your travels are safe and good otherwise.
@anth @33MHz And That was on the 3b+, if I remember correctly. The original 3b was even more constrained.

Very happy about the “proper” gigabit speeds on the new 4b!
@anth I remember that now... USB 2 was a pretty central and large limitation.
@anth @Streakmachine didn't the RPI 3 have gigabit? I see, it was limited to 300Mbps, now full speed. https://www.raspberrypi.org/magpi/raspberry-pi-4-specs-benchmarks/
@anth I know @bayprogrammer uses dotfiles [github.com]. @0xmf used to play with them a *lot*.
@anth Manton's saying Apple's lockin is anti-developer, and not in users' interests, because it prevents developers/lower beings from curating the garden, I think.
@anth So Stratechery is angling that Apple's privacy benefit (Sign in with Apple) will continue to be leveraged for lockin.

Reasonable take. He says privacy and competition are at odds.
@anth I'm trying to conflate Manton's Open Gardens post and Stratechery's Apple Audacity post. So in that example, open systems as in an open platform, dev-friendly.
@anth yes! I am combining others' separate threads, so I think I left out some context, and the lack of cohesion is part of the intent... But I'm going to circle back to this after the kids are to bed and see if I can pull it up.
@anth oh, that's just a few blocks away: Lumiere Place Casino, with the giant wacky light. https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3492/3261665469_28dc14fd52_o.jpg
Not happy with these downtown developments. There have been some good things, though...
@anth I think so, yeah.
@anth I'm left-handed, so it takes easily with me. A minute and I don't remember I'm using my left.
@anth I'm thinking the same. Surely there are other optimizations that could be made if it weren't speculating, too.
@anth I’m greedy - I want every tool in that menu.
When I used that version (14) I was just a student and didn’t fully understand! :-)
@anth it's eclectic, unending, and relaxed. I find it easy to remember what the songs are.
@anth No worries - you probably expected me to complain, since I've seen others complain about watch readability quite a lot.
@anth Personally I *can* read it just fine even with sunglasses. That's one of the things I like about it.
@anth I like it too ^-^ @hybotics @mandy
@anth It IS a great argument, and I wish I could take credit for it. It is a great quote I saw somewhere, but can not remember where now.

// @mandy @unixb0y

Anything old?