Found a pristine cassette recorder too - if I use ye olde iMac to digitize my cassettes, should I just use QuickTime to record? Or buy some other software?

I lost my old cleaning cassette - remember those blue devices and the little bottle of cleaner?
@mandy I haven’t tried QuickTime, but I can imagine it would work fine. I used Audacity to do something along those lines many moons ago.
@Streakmachine Definitely have heard good things about Audacity just in passing over the years. Do you think QuickTime would yield the same audio quality? I am not after perfection, just the known quality I remember from these tapes.
@mandy Hm. Probably passable quality with QuickTime. Should be an save/export option for AAC with good bitrate, unless they changed that since last I needed it.
@Streakmachine I never found anything in QT for AAC, the files ended up aifc. Since I still have the tape I can always redo it when I decide on the “right” way. Maybe the option exists in QuickTime and I couldn’t find it. Also, I am only on Mac os 10.12.
ye olde iMacs has a line in but I also have a Griffin iMic. However the iMic seems not to work anymore and that doesn’t make sense.
@mandy I was just wondering if we have a CD player cleaner anywhere still. We have a number of tapes, but are currently without a function tape deck
@Wife We have a USB DVD drive now for CDs. I got rid of my formerly prized Sony Walkman because it couldn’t play cassettes anymore. They can be repaired, but I found this nearly unused Realistic unit while cleaning out my parents’ basement!
@Wife You can still buy tape decks. The more modern ones you find might be for conversion, being they have a bluetooth radio. @mandy