I looked at the PNut API documentation and realised how little I actually know. So much to learn! Hopefully 2021 will give me some time for that.
@Streakmachine heh heh. It all looks like Greek, but it's really not hard once you get started.
@33MHz I am, admittedly, rusty when it comes to these things. All I really want to do is roll my own solution for posting whenever I publish a blog post.

But the learning is its own reward!
@kabuku @streakmachine the python library is a nice way to write a one-off script for Pnut. And make your own client https://pnut.io/dev. But lots of ways, of course. β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘
@Streakmachine I managed to hack something together that does this in PHP so it’s probably not as daunting as it looks!

@coopey @streakmachine yeah! a little cURL request after you've gotten yourself a token… just a few steps.