After watching this video:
I'm thinking about getting a Feather M0 :D
It's definitely not cheap for a MCU (a Pi 3 A+ is 25€, the M0 is 20) but…. it's just so cool 😁
Arduino on Steroids
#micropython #python
@hybotics Ping! :P What's your experience with the Feather?
@unixb0y I really like the Feather boards and wings. They are small and powerful. I have not had any problems with them, and Adafruit's support is awesome.
@hybotics Cool thanks for the feedback 😊 I think that will be the next SBC / microcontroller that I'll buy :) And I will probably get the "Designed for CircuitPython" version, what do you think?
The radio versions are cool too but have very little space.
@unixb0y Yes, definitely get the designed for circuitpython one, because you can still use Arduino and Makecode with it.
@unixb0y Be sure to get the M4 versions, because they are about three times as fast as the M0 versions. That is the only difference. The Feather boards are a bit larger than the Itsys, but they have more features and you can use FeatherWings with them.
@hybotics Damn, I just bought a M0 one from "thePiHut" because it was on sale. I think I'll cancel it, then, what do you say? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@hybotics Should I just get a M4 too and try to send the M0 back? Seems like you can't cancel an order ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
EDIT: I'll do it, they offer a 7-day-money back guarantee 😊
@hybotics Now I only need to know if I should get the ItsyBitsy M4 or Feather M4 😉
@unixb0y I would get the Feather M4 even though it is a bit more expensive. You gain so much with the Feather, like being able to stack FeatherWings on them for expansion. The only reason I got the ItsyBitsy M4 is that Feather M4s were not in stock.
@hybotics hmm I don’t know, it’s not for the 7-8 bucks but I’ve never really used „hats“ / other expansion boards - for the stuff that I do usually there aren’t any fitting boards anyway :D
@unixb0y You will want to use the Wings with a Feather, especially if you are tinkering with small robots. There are Wings for motor control, servo control, and a lot more.
@hybotics I'll keep that in mind 😉
@unixb0y The M0 is still a fine board, but is mainly just slower and has less RAM than the M4. I use my M0 (32k RAM) to check RAM usage and to see if I can run with less. The M4 has 192k RAM). I use it to see if I can do what I want to do on a slower chip.
@hybotics nah.. 3x the clock speed is huge :D I’m definitely going for the M4 😉
@unixb0y Yep! The M0 is 48MHz and the M4 is 120MHz. The next board I want to get is this NUCLEO-F767ZI [], and there is a port of #Micropython for it. Check out that speed, and all those pins…
@hybotics Nice thing, especially for 23$!
@unixb0y I have been working with #Micropython a lot these past few days for my circuit. It has a steeper learning curve than #CircuitPython, but it also does not have a well founded company like Adafruit driving it forward.
@hybotics What is this "your circuit" that you always talk about? :P
@unixb0y It is nothing fancy. It is just three LEDs and three buttons connected to a Feather M0, Raspberry Pi, or Micropython v1.1 PyBoard. It is not the hardware that is the star here, but the firmware that I wrote to operate it.
@hybotics So what's the cool thing about the firmware? :D I'm very curious now 😉
@unixb0y You will have to wait for the blog post and videos. :)
@unixb0y #CircuitPython started out as a fork of #Micropython, but does not have all of its features, like interrupts and callbacks. It is more oriented towards education and teaching. I may have to go with Micropython to get the features I need.
@hybotics Do you have to flash the board to use Micropython?
@unixb0y Please understand that CircuitPython is different from Micropython. CircuitPython was forked from Micropython, but now the APIs are quite different. CircuitPython is oriented towards education, but Micropython has more features to tinker with.
@hybotics I see 😊 I'll probably going to use the more capable one in the long run then, thanks for the info
@unixb0y If you get either a Designed for #CircuitPython board (already has CircuitPython) or a PyBoard (already has #Micropython), you are already set to go.
@unixb0y Did you read that I have a 262 line #Micropython script that runs my circuit, does more, and uses interrupts? I am pretty sure I can not do that with #CircuitPython, but I am still looking for a way.
@hybotics No 😉 Do you maybe have a blog article or so about your project? I think you're working on it for a bit, don't you? :)
@unixb0y I do not have a blog article about it yet, but maybe I should write one about my adventures with this circuit. Yes, I have been tinkering with it for awhile, but only the firmware has changed. You can run CircuitPython on a Raspberry Pi now.
@hybotics I'm looking forward to the article 😊
@unixb0y I have started working on it :)