Shiny is better.

I see that I am going to have to do some work on the Circuitpython version of the ht16k33 display library. It has the same issue I fixed in the #Micropython version of the library, plus one or two other issues.
I have been quite busy! It is no wonder that I did not understand why my #Micropython script was working. There was a big bug in the code, which I have fixed. I also have simpler code that works the way I want it to, and it makes sense to me now.
This is one of those days when I do not understand why my #Micropython code is working. It might be interesting to do an #Arduino version of my script.
I am doing some minor tweaks to my #Micropython script, and backing it up to several places. I may do some #Arduino today too.
I found the version of my #Micropython code I thought I had lost! This version had a *major* rewrite that will be the base for other changes I will eventually make.
My circuit and #Micropython script are working perfectly again. I did not have any bad components. Trying to see where some of the leads and wires have to connect difficult because there is not enough light and contrast.
I have my PyBoard v1.1 booting from a 16Gb Sandisk sd card now. I had to switch to using an sd card because there was only 95Kb space on the PyBoard. The information I was getting from the forums was wrong.
More tinkering with circuits and #Micropython today. I have to finish putting my LED and switch circuit back together and add some code back in to the driver script to detect order of button presses.
Tinkering today. Upgrading all my Express boards to the newest version of #CircuitPython and then poking at #Micropython. I have to put my LED and switch circuit back together.
My interrupt driven #Micropython a new form factor because they are quite welcome! There are quite sure to.
I discovered that I forgot to save a backup copy of the #Micropython script that runs my LED and switch circuit. I have the basics working again, and now have to add the new code to it.

I hate when that happens!
I did what I think is a direct port of a library from #Arduino to #Micropython, but am not getting the same results in the ported version. I think this is because Micropython does not have pin change interrupts - just rising and falling edge.
It seems that the #Arduino library I have been working to port to #Micropython has some problems, even though it does work. I still can not get my port of it to work right.
@unixb0y Good woik there! :) I have been neck deep in an FSM. I am attempting to port a working #Arduino library to #Micropython. My states are all wonky! I need to add some Serial.println() to the Arduino library to find out what is going on inside there.
I got my starting code and inspiration for changes from this rotary encoder tutorial []. I ported the code from here to #Micropython and then adjusted it to what I need. It was already pretty close to what I needed.
I have been tinkering with #Micropython and a rotary encoder today. So far, almost everything is working. I am decoding the rotation direction correctly. The last thing I need to do is figure out how to get rid of some serious contact bounce.
I am tinkering with rotary encoders today. The #CircuitPython script misses counts. I bet an interrupt driven #Micropython script would catch them all.
OK, new version of my #Micropython script is working fine! I think I will add a rotary encoder into the mix. I already have an idea how I will work it.
I have been a hacking on my #Micropython script again…
@unixb0y I am not sure I want to find out how difficult it is to port #Micropython to a new device. I have to admit that it would be nice to have ports of Micropython for Adafruit's M4 boards, but that is beyond me right now.

You gave up too much to turn back now.