Gossip around @anth

Shiny is better.

@anth yeah... :-(
@phoneboy that options always been there, just iOS 14 seems to make it more a focus.
@jacobrealo IOS 14 theoretically does the same thing but I've never seen the reminder. It does tell you when charging is complete and you can monitor the battery level on the iPhone thanks to new widgets.

@phoneboy it would be nice if that data was standardized in HealthKit. It comes off as multiple recordings depending on how the app syncs (at lest there are time stamps).
@phoneboy that seems normal for that kind of usage. I like that AutoSleep has a charging reminder, which shows you the current battery, telling you to charge an hour before sleep.
@jacobrealo sorry, meant "How much you slept."

The Mi Band I was using before also told me how much of the sleep was deep/light but that data didn't come across to HealthKit.

@jacobrealo yesterday, I didn't charge my watch until the evening when I had maybe 20% left on a day where I went for two runs and mowed my lawn. Took maybe an hour to charge back to 100%.

@phoneboy when you say “how you slept”, what do you mean? Health currently only shows time in bed and whatever is recorded for asleep.
@phoneboy are you seeing any noticeable drain that would require long charges for all-day use?
I'm using the sleep tracking in IOS 14 right now, which really only tells you how you slept and what your heart rate was. Charging during the day isn't a big deal right now since I'm not traveling.

@jacobrealo @anth
@anth I’m trying this out and SleepScore. My problem is remembering to track. I want to have the easiest to use tracker. Plus I like seeing bpm during sleep. I tried using a external heart rate monitor but it has a bright light that flashes when it’s on.
@anth what was your battery like? I charged mine an hour before and when I woke I was at 90%.
@anth ow. NPR mentioned Louisville this morning in passing and it was the first I'd heard of it still going on there.
@anth Never Eat Shredded Wheat
@anth But that is nice. :) As long as it wakes up and just gazes around a bit.
@33MHz woof! // @Wife @anth @wife
@anth Egh, I meant sugar. Emotionally I'm a plank, don't need, don't like happy dogs. Rawr! /@blumenkraft @wife
@anth awww <3 @33MHz
@joanna @anth It really does. :)
@33MHz FIVE-year old? What? Sigh. Time.

// @anth

You gave up too much to turn back now.