The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

This is the User Powered Developer Incentive Program for Pnut.io [www.updip.link]. A website, where you can find the ways to pay for Pnut apps if you feel the need to do so - and we hope you do.

Shiny is better.

for all the newcomers on iOS:
there is ChimPnut [itunes.apple.com] and Arachis [itunes.apple.com].

get them! support your local developer.

also, show your love on UPDIP.link
hello @wunderingbison, you made it to the Pnut developer list on Updip.link. it's a website listing ways to donate to Pnut developer. would you be so kind and please provide me some info on how one can send you money.
hell yeah!
https://www.patreon.com/pnut turned out to be a little success!

now go ahead and support some developer as well. goto UPDIP.link and show your love.
@yukkuri_sinai thanks a lot for letting me know. changed the address on the site. :)
Hello, #pnutprinter.
"#pnut currently has 273 users who created 23495 posts in 176 days."
I can haz hyperlink and [pnut.io] #hashtags #pnutprinter @blumenkraft
@dasdom winter is coming!
Consider supporting pnut.io. We'll mail you pnuts!

patreon.com/pnut 🙏
#hackday: Go!

Stop in the Patter room to chat about pnut.io and what people are doing today: https://patter.chat/room.html?channel=212
For what it's worth, I added a couple of small Patreon.com patronages; mine are now:

* @matigo: 10Centuries.org
* @33MHz: pnut.io
* @jeremycherfas: Eat This Podcast
@teebeuteltier see this one?
You can now become a patreon for Pnut.

goto updip.link and check @33mhz' card. there you will find the link.

become a patreon now.
My pnut framework has 88.99% test coverage. The main App has 77.5%. Not bad. Not bad.
#pnutfollowerpower needed. user @unixb0y is a poor student and needs 80 bucks for a Apple developer account to release his Pnut photo sharing app.

please show your love and donate to @unixb0y a little! you can donate via PayPal and bitcoin >> updip.link
@keage thank you so much! will add it ASAP. :)
@c and writing docus!
what can i tell you? you are supposed to be on this list and your card on updip.link is supposed to have your donation link or address in it. :)
@dasdom no, but you are free to send your money @33MHz' way (when he finally provides a link or addrrss it's even possible).
let me be honest. when someone donates to you, you should respect this and use it for yourself. but this is only my opinion. :)
@c hey there :)
what's your preferred way of getting donations? your card on UPDIP.link is still empty sadly.
@fam hey there :)
what's your preferred way of getting donations? your card on UPDIP.link is still empty sadly.

Anything old?