@Jacarandachick to my business associates, but you can call me Miyanda.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

Shiny is better.

@Indigo thank you :)
ngl I'm a tad worried about heightened exposure when I'll be working with fewer students, who will potentially be coming from homes where the parent/carer is a Covid frontliner..there's zero talk of social distancing or temperature checks here atm #covid
Schools close from today, except ours which will be open to children of keyworkers and some students with SEN. The student I work with the most has already told me he will be in next week -good for him as a steady routine is important for him
Hallloooooo Jo! @joanna xx
@Kabuku think he's a bit of a traditionalist on tech matters, one of his producers says he doesn't use a smartphone or computer!
Any Rothko heads on here?
I find One Rothko very soothing, site refreshes every hour and I haven't seen the same one twice yet:
@thedoctor think Disney+ drops here next week -should I do Mando first? I'm not a huge SA fan, although I've pretty much seen all the movies I don't retain much info about the world/lore etc 😬
@Kabuku Mr Miyazaki was dead set against streaming for years, glad he finally changed his mind and gave us all more access :)
I'm mostly chill about everything but the extra stretch covering colleagues has been a tad fatiguing , I'm soothing myself with the Social Distance site -a curated batch of stories of social distancing drama
@Kabuku not seen that one!
@Kabuku which Ghiblidid you go for? I haven't seen them all and I find myself returning to my faves -rewatched Porco Rosso as soon as it was available on Netflix!
@joe wonderful that it was enjoyable for you all! Does your company already have a practice of remote working? I work in secondary education and all state schools are bewilderingly still open -teachers are dropping like flies though =very fluid situation!
@blumenkraft @Kabuku yep, labels are the first to be cut out...now everything I own gets washed on the same cycle because I don't remember the specifics
@MrFresh ohey halloooo! :D
@blumenkraft Discovery was an instant hit with me -currrently rewatching and i still like it a lot.
I am absolutely loving Patrick Stewart and seeing 7 and Will & Deanna was a treat, but it hasn't come together for me yet as a narrative, will keep watching
@Kabuku haha was stuck there for a moment :D
Social distancing hasn't really penetrated as a concept here, up until yesterday the govt wanted us all to get it and build herd immunity...then they did a u-turn, but we're still carrying on a normal . Weird.
@Indigo @Kabuku they're gorgeous!
@blumenkraft @Kabuku they're stunning irl -got to keep hands away from your face when they bloom though the pollen can get very itchy
@Kabuku Baobabs are a testament to being beautifully weird! One of my old ADN pals had Jacarandas in his garden -think he lives in Miami.
Do Joshua trees flower?
@Kabuku @phoneboy Thailand! Somewhere I'd love to go back to. Are you holidaying or working there?

Anything old?