Shiny is better. ⇄

Starting to feel normal again after getting my #COVID and flu shots. Not a great time but certainly a lot better than catching and spreading it.
Got the new #COVID #vaccine today along with the #flu shot. Let's see how my body handles it over the next couple of days.
Despite cases going up right now, my state being 40th in "% recieved 1 shot", last week was the lowest deaths/week from #COVID since March 2020.
This video brought to you by the media reaction to #Covid #MondayNightDanceParty
cookie jar (f,o)

From forum Monday Night Dance Party

Original Gangsta

I think I need to do a live MNDP once #Covid is over. #MondayNightDanceParty
cookie jar (f,o)

From forum Monday Night Dance Party

Original Gangsta

>> @jdscolam: The best result of #COVID? No more middle seat. #MondayNightDanceParty
cookie jar (f,o)

From forum Monday Night Dance Party

Original Gangsta

Think of the children!

I hope doesn’t have a policy like this one:

I might get banned because of such a policy πŸ˜†


Think of the children!

Also: with some clients you can mute the hashtag #covid which I will use in these type of posts.

Be well and be safe always πŸ₯œπŸ₯œπŸ₯œ.

Think of the children!

One time notice: I marked this post as NSFW for a reason. If you don’t like what you see here please do not open any nsfw posts by me in the future. Thanks

β€ͺOxford epidemiologists: suppression strategy is not viable‬.

I'm surprised it's Friday tbqh πŸ€“

Good things to celebrate this week -being contacted through our local Mutual Aid group and doing a food shop for a new mum who couldn't travel.
Discovering Cava is a cleaner drink than Prosecco.
Gouda cheese nom nom #covid
#BigFinish time! Best thing to do for #COVID? Run! #MondayNightDanceParty
cookie jar (f,o)

From forum Monday Night Dance Party

Original Gangsta

After riding a wave of "yay school's out" last week, subsequently have been feeling very introverted the last few days...
cookie jar (i)
Welp, we expected 60 kids at school today -children of keyworkers and those with EHCP's ; in total we had 17, 6 of whom were in our Autism mini-school.
So, 11 students in mainstream and no teaching was done...teachers being glorified babysitters
Me reinforcing social distancing at work tomorrow #covid

Also, Altered Carbon:Resleeved is GOOD
#alteredcarbon #netflix
cookie jar (i)
ngl I'm a tad worried about heightened exposure when I'll be working with fewer students, who will potentially be coming from homes where the parent/carer is a Covid frontliner..there's zero talk of social distancing or temperature checks here atm #covid
Schools close from today, except ours which will be open to children of keyworkers and some students with SEN. The student I work with the most has already told me he will be in next week -good for him as a steady routine is important for him

You gave up too much to turn back now. ⇄