I've just quitted Twitter for I'd found ita waste it time. I'm thinking of shifting to pnut
@fl04t Yeah well, did that with ADN back in the days. Not sure Pnut is ready for me full time yet. System should be more open to new users. I understand why it is how it is but there must be another way. Was it 500 users and how many active? #pnut
@runeranch so, go ahead and invite the people you'd like to see here. nothing easier than that, right? :)
@blumenkraft I'v tried, many don't get it and it's a closed club members only. :)
@runeranch The options I'm familiar with are 1) open access, 2) charge, 3) invite-only. 2 has at least as much a problem as 3. 1 is a massive can of worms. But: https://pnut.io/about
@33MHz It's not that I don't get it. It's how normal users see it from the outside :) I don't know the solution, but is there really no good spam countermeasure for "1) Open Access"? Sorry I don't know the tech behind it. :D
@runeranch I'm not sure. Presumably it's a constant battle. Requiring phone numbers is usually a first step... More collateral private info. :/

Do people really get turned off by "if you don't have one, E-mail for an invite"?
@33MHz Well I don't know, the codes I'v sent out has not been used. Maybe it's because they can't see this lovely Beta UI have :) Thats a whole other thing, users have to find tools themselves and authenticate. Hope at some point that will be remedied.
@runeranch are you having pnut E-mail them, or giving them codes directly? Wonder if they're getting dropped in the spam box. There is a lot of room to improve the presentation of the network - improving the apps directory, explanations of how things work…
@33MHz I would love that! For example having Beta under a "main domain" like Alpha days. Maybe in the future. :) Confusing linking to different subdomains. Love the Profile page of Beta/Alpha :D

I'v sent the code to some friends via IM Twitter and email.
@runeranch @33MHz I think the main barrier to entry for a social network is that for most people Twitter/Facebook is enough, often because it's all they tried. I like pnut cause there are friendly people in a more open/civil environment with less agendas.
@shawn Agree, what can Pnut offer users that Twitter/Facebook can't? For me it's social engagement from other users and options when it comes to clients (official web option still needed).
@runeranch There's the possibility of a first-party web client, a la Alpha for ADN, but the power and transparency in putting it to developers is unmatched. 😊

We need to improve the introduction to the network, though; discovery/intro to your first app.
@runeranch Glad to talk about it.
@runeranch i know. that's sad. :(
but hey, we have it cosy here. no trolls, no spam. only nice people. :)
@blumenkraft Indeed. Love it! Just need even more activity.
@runeranch I'm giving my best 😂 #cookieclub incoming :P
@runeranch you can invite anyone you want to have here 😉
@fl04t Wow, you made a bold move! 😎
@keage finally, i couldn't help returning XD