I’ve been using undocumented variadic API’s to access per item layout information. It’s only relevant in a few edge cases; a lot of unnecessary overhead each view update. So, I switched to using Transaction’s new subscript [developer.apple.com]. #prosedev
It’s nearly the same API but much easier to target specific actions. It also allows me to decouple conditional layout state from view state, for example loading indicators don’t need to trigger entire data source reloads.
The drugs, massage, and kinesiotape helped last night, I finally had a stretch of decent sleep. This morning I’ve had a chance to further mess with my spaghetti code. It works, I just have to clean my countertops and backsplash. It got messy hahaha
Okay, I tried to be too clever too fast again
@shawn probably better than being too clever too slow
@33MHz sometimes clever and slow feels like the default for me haha
@shawn I got a massage on Friday and boy did I need it! The therapist found tension in places I didn’t even feel until she started working on them.