Hey everyone. We started this whole twitter alternate journey when they did the whole ad thingy ages ago.

How do you guys feel about this Elon buy out? He said he freed the bird. You guys think he’ll make it open sourced?

I think we kinda know wats up 😉
@sham even if it were open sourced, it's such a behemoth, I don't think much would come of it. I guess the benefit is seeing how/why things work the way they do? It would be incompatible with spam, I think.

Tailed by: sham

@33MHz I don’t know whether you know this guy, but I think it being in a blockchain will be the move. Whichever it is https://youtu.be/eilQyJJQY9c
@sham He might pivot hard, and it wouldn't have to do with social media, or it would be a totally different beast at that point.
@33MHz yeah. 44 b is no small sum, but he has fuck your money it wont matter. It does look dystopian to a pessimist, but on the other side it frees up opinions that can lead to spam as you said.Maybe what dalton was trying to do was this but no funding.
@33MHz the tweet edit thing I remember was something that was discussed by us long time ago, that shouldn’t be done unless of course it reveals the edit history like Wikipedia
@sham I just mean, if they open source, it will be easier to game it with spam, or other sociological tricks.
@33MHz The benefit i see with open sourced is as big as Twitter has become, it’s how you catch the fish in the wide ocean filled with garbage (ie spam, ads). So the best apps are just boats with the best catching capabilities. Twitter is the ocean now.
@33MHz of course assuming that’s what he meant by freeing the bird
@sham I don't expect him to open source it unless he's changing the product and throwing twitter as-is away. "You can see the code for the short messaging service we had. We're going to be a streaming service now."
@sham A lot of Tw code is already open source, just not the "juicy" algorithm pieces and such. But even those are not that novel anymore, I think.

Tw contributes a lot to open source, and big chunks of its tech are OSS.
@33MHz yeah the algo is the key tbh. Def could be a business decision, though you have to be cautious when ppl say it’s free speech. Kudos if it is the full intention. But pretty sure some ppl will think there’s something up his sleeve.

Watching closely.
@sham @33MHz I'm not following closely but it all seems dubious. Elon wants it to be the best marketing platform and the town hall, two competing ideas imo. Believing the billionaire won't favour the marketing angle is pushing the limits of my optimism
@shawn Plus he already gutted the trust and safety teams last night so it's not looking good there.
@33MHz @sham
@joe @sham @33MHz @shawn I am very interested in seeing what changes Elon Musk makes with #Twitter. while I do believe he wants to make money with it (in no small part to recoup the acquisition cost), i also think he wants to reduce spam and...
@shawn @33MHz @sham @joe ...and make it, broadly, a "nicer" place. This last goal is very difficult to accomplish in my opinion. And interestingly, Twitter/Jack Dorsey recently launched a more "open" attempt at social networking https://blueskyweb.org/
@joe @sham @33MHz @shawn I haven't looked much into #bluesky, but it seems to have elements of open protocols and federation/decentralization for social networks on the Internet
@flashblu I hadn't heard about this thing. Their docs show they made some of the obvious choices. Surprised to see another protocol trying to develop out there, though. Seems like they'll need serious partners to take any market with Yet Another Protocol
@flashblu For me, I feel that Mastodon and ActivityPub has a better chance than this, we’ll see what happens but as I said, it still may not see the light of day in terms of its full potential.

/@shawn @33MHz @sham
I don’t know if you know this guy but I feel the blockchain is where communication has to be https://youtu.be/eilQyJJQY9c

@joe @33MHz @shawn @flashblu
@joe I have a feeling what elon is trying to do here with his wechat comment from one of the interviews. That’s why when he says he wants to free the bird, I donno if that’s the end goal. But we will watch for sure.
/@flashblu @shawn @33MHz
@sham I'm fairly convinced that "freeing the bird" has nothing to do with open-sourcing anything.

As far as the rest goes, well, at this point I'm still passing the popcorn bucket around. We'll see if anything happens in six months.