Gossip around @morrick

Shiny is better.

@morrick a friendly Windows user experience. >> @hackernews: My long goodbye to Windows XP (2022) [woodfromeden.substack.com]
kudos @morrick. I have essentially been unwilling to engage in phone life because of the lockin and limits. Open ecosystems, payments, pricing systems. I haven't been able to bring all my Windows programs to Linux, but I've grown out of them.
Making me think of @morrick

>> My Favourite Computer, an Old Mac
>> http://muezza.ca/thoughts/favourite_computer/
I think it was a lot easier to task-switch when everything I did used a different application. Not to mention applications were more performant (after things loaded into memory). /@morrick
Never forget. (h/t @morrick)

#ADN #AppDotNet
cookie jar (i)
@morrick I'm so sad to hear this, thanks for explaining. Hopefully 2022 would be better. :(
@morrick I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I am hoping that your 2022 is significantly better.
@morrick Thanks for popping in and sharing. Sorry to hear, but we're pulling for you. 🙇
@morrick >> This fucking 2021 has been much worse than 2020, much worse than pandemics and lockdowns. My stress levels have reached an unprecedented high, and I just fucking hope 2022 is going to give me a deserved break.

::::::End of transmission::::::
@morrick >> Thankfully the neighbours are friends of the family and will keep an eye on it from their house, and my mum's carer still has the keys to the house and we agreed that she'll keep going there every now & then to check it. >>
@morrick >> Once I've paid the inheritance tax, I'll inherit what essentially is already mine (being the sole heir): my parents' house. Which I'm now constantly worried about because it's there, all alone, in the Italian countryside. >>
@morrick >> Then, once I returned home in Spain, work pretty literally submerged me. I've had time to update my blog only once, with a few thoughts on sideloading: http://morrick.me/archives/9456

Now I have to save funds to pay the inheritance tax. >>
@morrick Good to see you!
@morrick 🙏 indeed. Always glad to see your material -- posts, pictures. 😌

I got a dedicated camera, an Olympus Tough TG-6 a few weeks ago and have been trying to improve my micro photography of bugs and insects.
@morrick Good to hear from you. Sometimes, it's good to take a break. Don't overblow yourself.
@morrick glad to see you! We can all use a break. Looking forward to easy times.
@morrick *I'm hanging -in- there, I meant, of course. Gawd, I can't even type anymore.
@morrick I'm hanging there and I don't even know how. I guess having someone by your side helps a lot in keeping you sane. Anyway, I don't want to bore anyone with my troubles, and I hope you all are alright. :-)
Habits, UI changes, and OS stagnation [morrick.me] from @morrick
cookie jar (f)

From forum all things tech

@morrick I've gotten used to the changes pretty quickly, but I've realized recently that I just don't interface with my software the way I used to. I used to pore through the menus and settings, and really become one with them. Now I just skim the surface.

You gave up too much to turn back now.