Now Youtube doesn't support safari for live streaming?
@33MHz i'm watching live streams on YouTube all the time with Safari Browser. :)
@blumenkraft I mean live streaming from safari, not watching. It works now, so not sure why it told me that for a bit...
@33MHz oh, ok. that i can't say. never live-streamed myself.
@33MHz since when do you use macOS? :D
@unixb0y well I use Macs for work now (required), but I was setting up live stream for church. It feels like everyone uses Macs.
@33MHz I see! I think macOS is a great every-day OS since it's Unix, but is suitable and easy to use for average consumers. Also basically all software that is released for Windows is also released for macOS while not always the case for Linux.
@unixb0y these days, there's no specific software I need; I just need "an email client", "an ide", etc.

But I really dislike MacOS.
@33MHz okay 😊 what exactly do you dislike so much about the OS?
@unixb0y I might dislike their hardware more than their software though...
@33MHz what about the hardware? The hardware itself, like you prefer AMD processors or something like that or do you disagree with their markups on the components?
@unixb0y yeah, the markups and limitations on using it for other things. But I'm not much for electronics with batteries anyway. 😅
@33MHz hmm gotcha. Because the hardware itself isn’t „Apple‘s“ like it used to be with the G4 etc.
What about the iMac? 😊 No batteries and good value if you need a 5k Display.

Which limitations on using for other things do you mean?
@33MHz Amazing how we constantly come up with new things to break things like web compatibility. The one thing that the web was supposed to do and do well… 😑
@Streakmachine yeah. That is the biggest impact in moving everything to Javascript, for me. But everything is on the bandwagon with html specs moving at Google speed.
@33MHz And here I am, thinking about a web site redesign with as good graceful degradation as possible, and maybe a gopher site.