Hey everyone, little #PiNut PSA!
Since I don't collect monthly payments and sell few units a year, I can't afford to rent a server for iOS Push Notifications. That's why I use a Raspberry Pi which has some limitations. (1/3)

Passed by: 33MHz

When I was in vacation last month, the server stopped working so you got no notifications for a few weeks and I’m very sorry for that! I now changed a few settings and it is up and running again and you'll get all notifications. (2/3)
The only issue is that new devices aren't added at the moment, this will only be possible after the next App update unfortunately. (3/3)
@unixb0y Thanks for keeping at it!

Long-term, it'd be nice if Pnut provided a full notification server option at no charge, IMO.
@33MHz No problem 😊 Yeah IDK that will be a pain to setup though I think :D You'd be coding Firebase essentially. I think other Pnut clients use that but I don't want to use Google services especially when my users don't know about it or can't opt out.
@unixb0y there was a brief period when i was looking into hosting a notification server for pnut... but yeah, just so complicated to keep running. now it's a minecraft server. @33MHz
@unixb0y Seems like I can have a push server in whatever code base I want (lots of OSS options), and it isn't going to talk to Google about iOS users.
@33MHz that’s nice, I coded one myself 🙈😂 btw I now have activated push notification badges 😊 it currently just shows a 1 or nothing since my api endpoint to reset the counter on the server changed.
@unixb0y That would be tons of fun, but if it can be reduced to a sysops problem that is separate from the internals, that might be preferable. But I haven't looked at the requirements!
@33MHz what do you mean? :D
@unixb0y If I can provide a free push server without adding code I have to maintain particularly, less burden all around, possibly.
@unixb0y I would have *some* more burden, but not much.