I like hearing the varied opinions on this exclusive Spotify/Rogan deal and it's implications. For me, walled gardens rarely benefit the audience/customer. I still can't see the benefits of a podcast being exclusive to a single app. Am I missing something?
The podcasters I respect and listen too won't go for this kind of deal. It's an important aspect of why I enjoy what they have to say and how they say it. So, in a way, my feeds are relatively safe. I am afraid of the industry wide implications though.
@shawn Spotify are banking converting lots of JRE subs into paying Spotify subs. The fact that the multi-channel distribution will be lost doesn’t seem to factor, despite having a big following on YouTube. For Rogan himself, it’s probably about the payday.
@neil hmm I didn't think of that. Maybe this is my business naïveté showing but I don't understand the rabid need for more customers. Surely people would design a strategy that relies on having customers rather than getting new customers? 🤷🏼‍♂️
@shawn Investors value growth over steady-state recurring revenue. The higher the growth, the more they can maximise their ROI.
@neil I feel the fact that I had to look up ROI might exclude my opinions from a lot of conversations about this kind of stuff. That being said, I'm a big fan steady-state recurring revenue, it seems like actual math and not just opinions of worth.