Had the momentary thought to look at pnut's SDK and see what, if anything, would carry over to the aborted MSDOS app.net client,. Thought aborted. I do not have the time for fun code. :(
@GTWilson what it is. 😑
@33MHz I look at stuff like this and think of how fun it would be to join in. Then I look at the 1,000,000 line plus code base that pays my bills and get very depressed.
@GTWilson huh! at least there's @fortunebot.
@33MHz About @fortunebot… it was a joke that took about two minutes.

*/30 * * * * /home/fortunebot/bin/tellfortune.sh
0 8 * * * /home/fortunebot/bin/playlotto.sh

That's all there is to it. Piping fortune to texapp and texnut.
@33MHz @fortunebot The MSDOS client was about pushing MSDOS to it's utter limits. TCP/IP stack. Handling >64K memory chunks without a a DOS protected mode extender, etc. Just bloody fun and utilizing long dead skills :D
@GTWilson @33MHz I can totally relate. I would love to do more than scripting for #Pnut or #ADN, but as soon as it requires a laptop I'd feel guilty about my work duties.