Here's what MovieNut looks like. I may improve things in revisions, but I think version 1 is done.

This screen: the Pnut Movie Club channel, with reviews displayed in a nice format.
cookie jar (i)
This screen: enter (part of) a movie title, and optionally its release year, and you get a list of candidates to select from.
cookie jar (i)
Then you can rate the movie, write the review and post it to Pnut.
cookie jar (i)
And voila. You can also search for your reviews, or for all reviews. And of course post normal replies to messages in the channel. And view threads.
Reviews contain a special raw object with the data, so that apps (MovieNut for example) can display the content as they want. But the message also contains the review as simple text, so any client will also display the content (screenshot: Apero).
cookie jar (i)
If you're interested in adding reviews support to your Pnut client, here's the raw object spec:
If you want to test MovieNut (free Android app to post movie reviews on Pnut's Movie Club channel), please DM me your gmail adress. I've uploaded a pre-release version to the Google Play Store, ready to be tested...
I'm not asking for a thourough test. Just installing the app and telling me if it runs ok on your phone or tablet would already be great. 😁 And of course, if you have suggestions and opinions about the app, I'm all ears.
@ericd I’m quite jealous of Android users today. I dipped into the #movieclub channel and saw so many reviews from MovieNut. Very cool 👍🏼