We're ramping up for the next #hackathon, on the weekend of March 24! If you have any ideas for people to work on (you or others!), go ahead and suggest them. Here's the list so far:

@pnutapi Is that a project that each person will be hacking on, or an individual project for each person that may be different??
@hybotics The ideas are very broad: they're there in case anyone wants to work on any of them. Whomever would like to work on one can work on it, by themselves, or with anyone else, if there are others interested.
@hybotics Some people clearly intend to work on some of them. It's both a bulletin board of things people will be working on, and an invitation to work on something.
@pnutapi Ah, I see. For instance, I am learning how to use accelerometers on robots. I can already detect tilt direction, but need to detect the angle of tilt also. I am working on tilt angle now.
@pnutapi I got a good idea for your avatar 😉
@shawn What was your idea for @pnutapi's avatar?
@33MHz I was hoping to pixelate the official logo like I did with my avatar, but I got home from the show and passed out, crazy week / @pnutapi
Remember this weekend's #hackathon! Assemble your team, your thoughts, your fingers--for the cause!