Jared Sinclair (co-creator of @riposte) made a podcast app called ’sodes [itunes.apple.com]. It’s what the cool kids would call “opinionated software” but it’s been growing on me. It really is easy to use.

Passed by: blumenkraft, jaminguy

Tailed by: Streakmachine, LonelyBob

@shawn I saw that. It does look nice, but I suspect I’m not the target audience, as I want/need many features it intentionally omits.

> “Hi, I’m Kevin, and I’m a podcast power user.” 🙄

Maybe if the “epi” is ever added back to the front of the name... 🤔
@shawn All that being said, I may still buy it to try it and experience it.

I’m very good at rationalizing $3 expenditures to myself as business expenses. :)

And, besides, how can I feel bad giving two bucks and change to Jared for a well-crafted app?
@muncman I do enjoy keeping up with ADN and pnut people. Personally, Jared really helped me get into programming, I feels right to return the favor. Plus 3$ is easily rationalized 😉
Did I just talk myself into getting it? Lol.

// @shawn
Overcast, Castro, Pocket Casts, Downcast, iCatcher, Instacast, Apple’s... ‘Sodes has got to be at least my 12th podcast app over the years. Hm.

Pretty confident that I’ll still be using Overcast after this experiment, though.
@muncman I’m concerned about my summer listening. I go off the grid and need more control over caching. I’m really enjoying the simplicity though.
@shawn OMG the ‘Campfire’ theme!