@muncman to my business associates, but you can call me Kevin Munc.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

Metal. Code. Family.
@muncman most everywhere

Shiny is better.

@33MHz It was more interesting to me than the pin, or the thing that attaches to your phone. But putting that $200 toward a Teenage Engineering synth might have been better.
@33MHz Nothing on-board, afaik. I mean, all those hardware shortcomings make sense for a $200 device.
@33MHz I think they are mostly trying to get to the consumer without going through the phone makers. The screen is worse (it is touch, but that’s barely supported), the speaker is worse, the camera is worse, I think you can add a SIM, but 🤷.
@33MHz Long term, they claim you’ll be able to train it for custom tasks, like showing it how to perform something on the web, then have it do that for you thereafter. But I don’t believe they’ve launched that yet.
@33MHz Basically, every few days I plug it in, wake it up, manually connect to the network, and let it do an update.

At least there seems to be frequent updates.
@33MHz It is supposed to be able to tie in to a lot more, but many things I don’t use much, like food delivery. I’m not a fan because the battery life is not good, UI is klunky, it doesn’t automatically reconnect to wifi (and often takes multiple attempts)
@33MHz It launched with a fewer features than expected. I’ve mostly just played with it: play this song, answer this question, ask what this thing the camera is pointed at is.

I admit I bought a rabbit r1.

I totally knew it would not wow me, not right away, but felt the ability to experiment with it, and watch it evolve, was worth it to me. (Plus, I generally like Teenage Engineering.)

I also admit that I regret buying it.
@33MHz Yup. We had betting and candidate-themed cocktails. We were nervous, but it was still fun.
@33MHz Sorry I missed this one! We had a debate-watching party with the projector in the back yard.
@33MHz I was late to join, but I’m there now.

Keyboard dancing (mostly!) while I listen. Hope that’s cool. :D
@33MHz Ah, interesting. Thanks for the link!
Finally got around to finishing unpacking from our last trip. Kind of odd to be putting winter gear away in July when it feels like 90°F out.
@33MHz Say what now?

Can you share the source for this?
I’ve been running ragged for a while now. I laid down for a nap yesterday. I didn’t get up for 17 hours! 😯
OH: “Water your green roof, not your fucking lawn.”
@33MHz Have a safe & smooth road trip!
@33MHz True about Dall-E. :) I don’t get to use Copilot much since I’m mostly in Xcode these days, and Xcode is kind of hostile to extensions. Hoping for something from Apple in this regard next month at WWDC.
In other news, Gemini just trounced GPT 4o with an issue I’m having where, inside a pre-commit hook, git is reporting files as staged which are not staged.

Not to say the issue is fixed, but at least now I know about the temporary index being in play.
Okay, now we need to get these guys back from 1977 to discuss AI: https://youtu.be/i0bky2ep_lI?si=trUcI97EQTgxls9n

You gave up too much to turn back now.