I am excited for Life is Strange: Double Exposure. Yes, I am aware of the stuff going on at Deck Nine. No, I do not want to discuss any of that. All I want to is play a video game.
@jacobrealo Sounds to me like this is a Alternative Universe Max or a side story of sorts? Interesting to have a Max solo game.
@joe The press release from today (there was a gameplay live stream) says both endings are acknowledged [square-enix-games.com].
@jacobrealo So this is both canon and non canon what they’re telling us? Okay then, interesting to see how this plays out. I have seen lots of mixed reactions already.
@joe Christian Divine (lead story writer?) has said in interviews that both are canon.
@joe I just listened to a podcast were the host said that Square Enix doesn’t consider Life is Strange a LGBTQ+ game.