"the more we enable "social junk food" we use it as a substitute for real, scary, intimate human interactions. The technology isn't the problem per se."

If folks watched movies all day, we'd be concerned. Turning reality into an interactive movie. It's like the uncanny valley. The more AR/VR integrates, the facade blurs.
Like using ChatGPT for all your questions. How often will it redirect/disagree with your notions baked into your questions? The echo chamber. The hallucinations.
A friend of mine asks ChatGPT all our Bible study questions. What are its sources? Is it just taking the populist faith-believing views for its answers, assuming we want reinforcement of Jesus living on Earth?
@33MHz “what are its sources” is the question on any topic.
Let the friend know that Blue Letter Bible has lots of dictionaries, encyclopedias and commentaries free to use.
@33MHz I'm okay with blaming the technology when it was created to be addictive and lacking in nutrition.

Tailed by: 33MHz