My list of missing features is getting shorter! I still need to add back in basic actions like bookmarking, reposting, and deleting (and some timeline plumbing to make it happen). Search, I will need to settle for simple at the moment. #prosedev
Error handling, share sheet integration still need some more attention. Image attachments will be a stretch goal.

Notifications will be a must, but further down the line.
Just thinking about updating any of my websites… last I heard Octopress [] (Jekyll under the hood) is no longer in development.

Keeping things in the Swift world, I’ve been thinking of using Plot [] instead of plain Jekyll.
@shawn sounds good to me! Slowly but surely. I'm hoping to get back into my dev this week.
@33MHz I’m quite quick to burnout while also slow to never release anything, slow and steady has helped in the past few months. I’ve been developing plumbing for so long, it feels good to work with actual interface design instead of framework facepalming 🎉