Relative dates are tricky since I want to update views simultaneously with progressively less precision while avoiding some centralized state. So, while a view is visible a timer fires on the next round interval, the further in time the larger the interval
Rounding to the next whole interval means views update simultaneously but they can manage their update frequency internally. I really wanted to avoid a shared timer ticking every second even when no relative dates are visible. #prosedev
Wasn’t I supposed to be working on profiles though? Oops, that’s Sunday I guess
Profiles are back with a design that leans slightly into a card metaphor. A definitive top edge interacts with transparent toolbars better. I could try for a faded bleed extending under toolbars but I would end up hiding an already short image. #prosedev
I was planning a profile redesign with a list of posts/mentions/bookmarks governed by a segmented picker but I like having simpler stacked navigation links. Adding consistent spacing to a narrower layout and a rounder list style already feels better
@shawn 😊 yay. Couple thoughts - what happens if someone minimizes and maximizes the app? (I assume iOS puts the app to sleep, don't know how it would handle timers). Wouldn't a timer ticking once a minute be often enough?
@33MHz I think because Timers use the main RunLoop to schedule things I should be safe, worth double checking though.

Once a minute is nice but I use up to per second granularity in some cases where relative formatting can show it.
@33MHz it also became less about a global timer and more about a global per second view dependency. It’s more efficient to have multiple timers with adjustable intervals than to check every second to see if you need to update.

I could be over optimizing
@33MHz variable view updates driven by timers vs constant listening through the view update cycle. I don’t know if that’s clearer but it’s more succinct haha
@shawn I'm with you, makes enough sense. ☺️