Had a meeting about how to use E-mail less.
I mean, it was on "E-mail etiquette". Standard issues of employees having E-mail overload, and how to reduce it… But the solutions seem to be to use other services until we use them too much? /@kerry
@33MHz Huh. I figure better writing on the sender's part and faster "this is a waste of my time" on the receiver's covers many sins. Inbox Zero should be achieved primarily, and regularly, by fiat. @kerry
@jws My primary frustrations with email at work is that most are either too brief, requiring more information prior to making decisions, or too long, requiring clarification prior to making decisions. Also, "Thanks." Responses. @33MHz
@kerry agreed and @jws agreed. Also, agreed @joe. :)

It's true that different mediums can help distinguish (IM is immediate response, unimportant; in-person is immediate response, important; E-mail = neither?). But first, erbody gotta send better E-mails.
@33MHz E-mail is either "FYI/file for reference" or "I'm creating a paper trail." ;)
// @joe @kerry
@jws @33MHz @kerry I agree. It's love and hate at the same time.
@kerry I've recently moved to a pay-per-SMS phone plan, and receiving meaningless texts is quite painful (because it's slow, and alarming, not to mention costs small $) 😋 @jws
@33MHz Really? I thought email is still the best way to contact people especially tech and media.