Folks, I need a solution for email-to-RSS. There's a few newsletters that insist on coming to my inbox. Can I forward them to a service that gives me an RSS feed? Or a way to send them to Instapaper?
I know the correct solution is to use but I'm lazy and want a solution for newsletters that already land in my inbox. :D
@nitinkhanna Gmail has (had?) Atom support. Mailinator also had (has?) feed support; looks like they provide an API either way.
@ryb gmail? Atom support? Whaaaaa?

I don't know what's Mailinator. Website says it's a mail testing solution??
@nitinkhanna Mailinator was one of the early "send your spam and registration e-mails here at a random address instead of giving away your real e-mail address" services but it seems to make money they market themselves as mail testing now.
@ryb interesting! So I assume they have the spam email part even now? I’ll check it out! Thanks… interesting how early internet tech survives when newfangled stuff goes under. All because of community I suppose?
@nitinkhanna Yeah, the spam e-mail part is still there (public inbox), but I don't think they generate random addresses and rotate domains anymore (annoying since registrations sometimes ban those services). For newsletters it's probably fine though.
@ryb good idea. And yeah it’s sad they stepped back from that.

I was impressed by the number of domains Fastmail runs for email aliases. If I was sticking with it, I would have a lot of fun with those!
@ryb yeah, it’s pretty awesome!
@nitinkhanna Whoops, you posted it, I'm dumb
@ryb no one is dumb when the spirit of discovery guides them.