If your app has a login screen and doesn't provide access to a password manager, stop making apps.
@paulyhedral what do you have to do to allow (or disallow) access to one?
@paulyhedral I can't say I disagree. // @33MHz
@33MHz I'm specifically thinking of mobile apps. It's basically a button on the screen that will bring up the extension for 1Password or LastPass. There's a CocoaPod for it, so there's no reason not to have it.
@33MHz Some janky stuff with app extensions is what it seems like from the user's POV. As a user, it's barely worth my trouble to use that or look for it vs just searching the password in Spotlight and jumping straight to it. @paulyhedral
@jws I've implemented 1Password integration into some apps in the past, and it was pretty straightforward. Usage just pops it up, authenticates, filters to the relevant entry(-ies), and fills in the credentials. Doesn't have to be janky @paulyhedral @33MHz
@muncman I think cracking down on pasteboards as a sidechannel led to a weird middle step of "pop up extension picker with empty bottom row and just 1P in the top row".
// @33MHz @paulyhedral
@jws Ah, I see why you mean. Yeah, the number of icons can be paltry. @paulyhedral @33MHz
@muncman It's an intentionally filtered list, but as a user, it's a WTF this is janky experience.
// @33MHz @paulyhedral
@paulyhedral @33MHz @muncman And then it doesn't auto fill any TOTP field, and you end up digging up the entry manually in 1P anyway. Or carefully hitting info button on row and memorising it, which defeats purpose of auto fill.
@muncman And then maybe you had the login tagged with a different auth challenge URL (Google and Apple suck for this), and the filtered auto fill list is empty, and AFAIK you can't break out and search the full list in there…
// @33MHz @paulyhedral
@paulyhedral @33MHz @muncman And now you still have to dismiss the useless share widget and dig up the entry in the full app.

End rant. But I wasn't kidding about the janky and frustrating end user experience it gives now. :\
@jws You can, at least in 1P, do a full search. And I haven't tried seeing if the TOTP can be auto-filled with the integration or not myself on iOS. But Keychain can be an additional icon options. @paulyhedral @33MHz