Gmail will block all third party mail clients starting from June []

That is, unless they pay $4500 minimum for an audit :D

Stop using Gmail and enabling Google's monopolistic practices, if you already haven't.

Tailed by: Savaran

Also, I feel this move is the latest from Google to lock in users into their apps. App Specific passwords will continue to be supported (for now), but I'm sure it won't be for long...

Here's a developer piece on Google's OAUTH2 plans in Gmail. []
@joe oh shit. It took me days of reading their API docs to get the very simplest python tool to access gmails in an acct I set up for a business idea. I hate the constant squeezing of utility from these increasingly closed systems from Google and Apple.
@prometheus Indeed, IMAP is all but dead in Google's eyes soon I can bet.
@joe as someone who runs my own mail server they regularly block email from my server as spam (we send about 5 personal emails a *month* from it) unless, as the error message helpfully explains, I want o pay them to host the domain.