Oh dear. @33MHz @Joe @Kabuku Hoping everyone stays well or recovers thoroughly... Case rates are high enough in upstate NY that health dept "suggests" masks but at a concert in Cortland last night, very few seen in the auditorium or at the bar.
cookie jar (l)


Between fatigue and ignorance, we are dealing with too many who let their guard down. The tracing efforts are abandoned and so for some comes the apprehension that "its everywhere" and for others a pretense that the coast is clear. Consequently "superspreader" events cannot be recognized. I am calling this situation #stuporspreader. Some of us stocked up on self test kits and use them. Some of us report test results others don't so the statistics available have a degraded and fragmenting quality. Among my ex's and in-laws, I have seen a breakthrough case where a person weakened by other germs died within 4 days of diagnosis ....so thinking the new strains can't hurt us so much looks foolish to me.…

Read on Longpo.st