Shiny is better.

Friday! Let's turn on the music!

Writing the new file upload process. #dev
My resume has too many details on it.
More edgecase bugs hacked away today. Refactored creating posts/reposts. Next up is file upload improvements! #dev
cookie jar (f)

From forum hackers

9 commits, 57 files changed, 5 issues resolved, 1 pull request to review. Whew. So many underlying things needed to change, all in good ways. #dev
#testing, but it's meeting time. #dev
the underlying changes are very wide scope. that means I get to refactor a lot of material!
Some of this code has been largely untouched since 2016. Almost everything needs to be refactored, over time. #dev
There are still some menu interactions to solidify but before that I wanted to share where @Prose is at currently. It's a bit rough and bare at the moment but it's a solid base. #prosedev #dev
Main thing, I’m super excited to put a bow on something I started way back in March 2020. I dare not say finished, but my goals all have checks beside them #dev
I have the API successfully handing off data to my #rustlang processes! Still keeping things very simple, but it feels great! Need to do more testing, but performance seems to be very good.
This adds an endpoint for checking status on long jobs.

Tomorrow I'll start setting up scenarios and see how far I've come. Integration tests! #dev
hard at coding #dev
One chunky function left to go, and I'll be able to test batch file delete API in #rustlang from the top.

Ah, I still have to build the ops status endpoint. But that's pretty separate functionality.

As I work through the code in Rust, I'm seeing better ways to arrange things for performance. Will want to realign some infra when I'm further through this. #dev
pnut #dev
More batch file delete work. #dev

Will need to work on the queued deletion part of things. Everything else is shaping up well. This is also a good prep for the v2.0 file work.
Starting to sketch out bulk file deleting for the API. #dev

@lechindianer @xyz
cookie jar (i)
5 year old ticket for per-channel user presences. :) #dev
cookie jar (i)
I made a lot of progress on per-channel user presences this morning. #dev
cookie jar (f)

From forum hackers

Tweaking some old code. Found a bug on accident, too! #dev
Tweaking the #brusque addon. Wonder if I'll be able to update the browser app directories, or if I'll have to make changes. #dev

Anything old?