Shiny is better.

So, I was playing around with a local install of #Ghost blog. I imported my #WordPress export and it imported hundreds of my posts *as drafts*. Is this default behavior, or did I do something wrong?
Is there a #WordPress #plugin out there to merge the content of two-three posts? I have related posts coming in from #IFTTT and I want to merge them to form a complete post. Manual process would be best.
Thought #WordPress would support #markdown by now... 😟
Any know a very simple and minimalistic #Wordpress theme for blog use, preferable with no sidebar?

Have been looking for a hours now and can't find any that I like. 😟
Is there a "related posts" plugin for #WordPress which works inside the post edit page? It'd make it easy to find posts I've written on the topic I'm currently writing about...
#Xanga now runs on #Wordpress!
Anyone know some nice minimalistic #WordPress themes for blog?

You gave up too much to turn back now.