@shawn to my business associates, but you can call me Shawn Throop.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

A Canadian idiot dancing with Saarländisches Staatstheater. When I manage my time right, I double as a self taught iOS developer.

Shiny is better.

@habanero hehe I was more referring to choreography, we’re rehearsing a new piece at work. But it’s true, next week there’s also going to be a lot more moving parts as our premiere and short tour approach.
@habanero Oooo that’s nice!
@habanero so many terms! I’m so new to this, what’s the newest MPC?
@habanero my schedule is wacky so I’m a little late but my weekend has commenced in a similar fashion
cookie jar (i)
I’m very thankful for a break.

I’ll have some recovery time and then some trains leasing to some downtime in coffee shop. My head has been too full of different movements
Biggest sigh of relief, I’ve made it to my week off without injury or insane drama. The rest of the month is pure insanity but for now my legs can recover. No injuries != no pain…

As an endorphin addict, it’s still a good time though
A+ sneaky symbolism. Villeneuve does this in many of his movies. Instead of dialogue he uses flashbacks and quick edits to overlay ideas like a sentence. There’s an amazing moment like this at the end of Arrival but I don’t want to spoil anything.
However, in order to survive he has to “become the Quizat Haderach” and risk that eventuality. After seeing the vision again, Paul flips his blade the opposite way. He’s committed to his inherited destiny but not willing to be the bloody hand of genocide
I noticed something near the end of the fight, in his visions he always sees a bloody hand representing holding a knife (blade extending like a finger pointing). That’s the path of the holy war started in his name. But he doesn’t want it
I’m rewatching Dune and that last fight with Janis gets to me, there’s something about his screaming than makes me just hyperventilate and cry.

I also had an emotional day, so today’s reaction was a particularly intense. Catharsis!
@habanero for a performance last year I made some tracks on my iPad and I’m hoping I can use it for sampling.

I’ll probably hold off on more purchases until I can justify a bit more expense. I’ve always wanted a small record collection though
@Streakmachine this is the way.
@habanero as someone who has spent more money than is reasonable on nice (and often niche) headphones, this might be my new slippery slope…

It’s dangerous but I’ve started a new list [stokyoworld.com]
@habanero I’m quite new to the world of music hardware, but so far fun and niche turntables are the prized possession of a lot of sampling based artists.

I saw a Coturn turntable [coturn.de] in different creator’s video, another beautifully designed machine…
Lovely insight in a footnote from John Gruber about moving away from payed OS upgrades:

In a sense, starting with the iPhone, Apple has shifted from monetizing its OSes by charging users a licensing fee to charging developers a privilege fee. [daringfireball.net]
I have some savings set aside for projects in areas I’m curious and ignorant of. In hopes of making some more music down the road, I bought an EP-133 K.O. II [teenage.engineering]. I’m not sure how to explain it but people can do this with it [youtu.be]
What a strange world, my dog’s Instagram is a wild microcosm. All I see are other accounts of dogs of the same breed, people dying in Ukraine, and clips from The Office (US) that I’ve already seen.
@habanero it’s a win in a few ways but there’s much confusion, like how do US developers even test their apps/stores? It’s wild that it’s only for Europe and that they’re still demanding tracking data and money from apps outside their own store.
@habanero yeah, I’m still not sure how all that’s going to work, Apple might not even be fully complying or in good faith (waiting to for a DMA statement). Under closer inspection it’s more a look at the left hand while I rob you with the right situation.
Some bad stuff: everything is notarized, small review process, (even on apps outside the the official store it seems, like macOS) and a 0.50€ tax on yearly app installs.

And the real shame: only in Europe…

Anything old?