@KI6BJV to my business associates, but you can call me Charles.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

Anything new?

Thusrsdays are the worst. half my day is meetings which means all my day is meetings since they are staggered over the course of the day. So very little coding happens and I feel like I fall behind every Thursday.
i am finally starting to feel less of the COVID hangover, so that is good news.

Had an morning meeting with my PITA client and that went quite well and they are happy for a change.

Forward progress all the way around
Trying to get inn a groove this morning to get some work done
#NowPlaying: LCD Soundsystem - Movement (LCD Soundsystem)
Download on iTunes [music.apple.com]
cookie jar (i)
Had a nice time downtown with the family, went to the Oddities Expo(horror and freak show stuff), then lunch at a brewery, and ended the day with our first trip to Powell’s books.
@jacobrealo I think 'The Last Broadcast' is better than Blair Witch, more or less the same theme and it came out BEFORE Blair Witch. I highly recomend checking it out
@kyle It is. I have been quite happy with it. I had a cheap knock of from Amazon before that only lasted a year. Prior to that I was using a Apple Magic Keyboard.
@kyle I definitely have the space, just need the hardware really
/@mandy @joe @33MHz
cookie jar (i)
@kyle I am currently working on a 30 inch ultra wide and a 24 inch off to the side. I am actually thinking of upgrading and geting one more 24 inch for the other side. I will need to get a new dock for laptop to do so. @mandy @joe @33MHz
#NowPlaying: HAIM - The Wire (Days Are Gone)
Download on iTunes [music.apple.com]
cookie jar (i)
Trying to e nice to myself about this. I am just not used to needed to take a long break so often. Though in some ways this might be a better way to work
Lots of fatique the last few days. I can only work acouple hours at a time before I have to break for at least an hour and posssibly nap. I think this is all hold over from gettig COVID
#NowPlaying: Tame Impala - The Less I Know the Better (Currents)
Download on iTunes [music.apple.com]
cookie jar (i)
Going a different direction for the work soundtrack today
@33MHz Thankfully my company is really good about that. I hit a wall a couple months back and told them i am on the edge of burnout. I was able to take a few days off and rejigger some of my duties. This is the best employer I have ever worked for.
Another person at work is out with COVID(can't be going a round the office becuse we are all remote) so I need to pick up some work I have not done before. Good times, good times…..
Had a real slow start this morning. Just could not get going for bit. Thankfully I started making some good progress. Just had lunch and might take a nap then back at it.
#NowPlaying: O'Donel Levy - Bad, Bad, Simba (Simba)
Download on iTunes [music.apple.com]
cookie jar (i)
Hot coffee and some music on a chilly day makes for better coding, at least it does for me
@33MHz thanks, still not 100% but I am slowly getting there

Anything old?