I want to rig a script to poll the nowplaying tag and play youtube-dl on the youtube links. I could do that just on my PC. Probably the best way. But I kind of want to do it on a speaker system a la @pnutprinter. Ha. Just need a little speaker.
Actually I think I have a "project speaker" from a kit someone gave me years ago…
So I probably *can* hook up the speaker to the @pnutprinter. 😄
@kabuku jep! it's all good. I do need some sort of motorized spool to keep the paper bundled, but as it is I just adjust the paper when I notice it.
This could be SOOOOO annoying! 😆
#jinglePlayer? haha. In true @pnutprinter fashion, I would hook up a mic too, and record the song playing, then upload that to Pnut.
I would need a sound-proof capsule to put the system in, so that, like the printer, it wouldn't capture other things (hey, privacy!). Like the printer, I could just add a ton of noise to the recording… pff