@jasonechols the main character in 13 Reasons Why isn't 13 years of age, are they? Maybe I'm drawing straws trying to compare it to the movie Thirteen.
@jacobrealo And I am seeing your replies twice
@jasonechols and ChimPnut hasn't pushed the last few meantions to me. Last one is 9 minutes old.
@jacobrealo Not sure about thirteen. But I remember my daughter saying the main character is 16
@jasonechols I think the big attraction for teens in watching 13 Reasons Why is Selena Gomez. She's a excutive producer for the series.
@jasonechols 8 minutes into episode 1 of 13 Reasons Why is Joy Division. Don't need to say which song, you probably can figure it out from the context. How much more on the nose can this hit the theme already?
@jacobrealo But she's never on screen. I think the characters are relatable to a lot of young people which is a part of its success. @jasonechols
@schoeni I know but a big name will still get people watching. According to Wikipedia this originally started production as a movie with Gomez in the lead role until Netflix picked it up as a series.
// @jasonechols
@schoeni I heard this was extremely violent. So far the worst for episode 1 was crashing a bike into a car. That isn't violent, it's being stupid.
// @jasonechols
@jacobrealo It does get bad towards the end. There are some really ugly scenes starting with episode 9. @jasonechols
@schoeni I agree with you. The teens I've talked to feel it relates to them and parents just don't understand what they go through at school. @jacobrealo @jasonechols
@Shawna kinda makes me wonder when the book was published. I feel it takes a modern day approach to the "teen drama" in a great way (so far).
// @jasonechols @schoeni
@Shawna That's something that was very well portrayed I think. Hannah's parents had no idea what she was going through and neither had her friends. @jacobrealo @jasonechols