Many one says "TypeScirpt improves development efficiency and productivity!" ...but, files that define types, and sugar-coated functions to call APIs are in different files. Is that normal? I feel it's hard to find the definition and makes no efficiency.
The parameters of sugar-coated functions to call APIs have different type definitions than the types of the APIs.... They are harder and harder for me...
Am I brainless, or cerebrally challenged...?
@kyo I haven't used TypeScript in a real project. Do IDEs put them all together for you? Maybe people have lots of helper tools. Seems like a tool-heavy environment.
@33MHz In case of Visual Studio Code, we can right-click on methods or types and select "Go to definitions". But we should open files, read the code, and understand it...that is so bother thing.
@kyo I think a lot of Python, Go, Rust programmers like compartmentalizing into separate files like that.
@33MHz So I think It's unsuitable job for me...
@kyo Trying to build on top of Javascript to such extremes seems tricky. I haven't looked into it, since I have an idea of Javascript as a toy language. Fun for hacking! Writes fast! Weird.
But that can be offensive. It's just what it is. Right tool for the job and all that.
I was writing websocket server in Javascript/Node, and that was veeery simple. Very convenient.
@33MHz @kyo But TS works surprisingly well for an "afterthought" / bolted on typing system. The separate files are optional and mostly needed for pure JS files. For application files, you can simply write the interface in the same file ๐Ÿคท‍โ™‚๏ธ
@kwood And with JSDoc markup, you can get great types and autocomplete even from pure JS, without a separate typings file.
/@kyo @33MHz
@jws Yep, JSDoc work super well too. That flexibility is the main selling point for me so far. From hardcore deep typing to little parameter sprinkles to not even using a .ts file at all, you can choose how much you want out of it. // @kyo @33MHz