Watched a movie, pride and prejudice. I like it. Thinking of reading the original.
@fl04t Do it! Pride and Prejudice is one of the first novels I tried as an audiobook. Before that, I didn’t think I could handle classics. Afterwards I liked it and have given many more classics a chance!
@fl04t You could read a translation first, then try English since you seem really great with it.
@mandy exactly. Yesterday I tried reading and translating the first chapter into my mother tongue, and found it so exhausting. Also, for there are some differences between the original and the movie, I think of reading the translated version.
@fl04t You are correct, all of the movie versions have changed the story in a small amount.
I never studied any language long enough to read fluently, so I can only imagine how hard it is. Maybe you can read a translation and the original side-by-side?
@mandy yes, so now after creating my own translation I check it against the translation by pro, realizing my poor Japanese skills as well as English.
@fl04t Well, classic literature has a way of making us all feel like our language skills are poor! 😎