Testing the ability to POSSE posts to pnut.io via @WithKnown courtesy of @dgold.
#client71 https://github.com/dg01d/KnownPnut
@chrisaldrich @dgold it works! It just works. I'm reading up about backfeeds, but slowly. Also would be good to do for bookmarks.
@jeremycherfas +1 for bookmarks!
Another thing to test is if one can @reply using Known and maintain threading. I wonder if this works? #pnut
(had to manually POSSE, btw)
@chrisaldrich @jeremycherfas I've been looking at them, honestly, but the issues are fairly complex.

e.g. There's no real 'interface' for posts, as with twitter, so its *extremely* difficult to get an Url-scheme that can be taken apart.
@chrisaldrich @jeremycherfas Take your most recent post on this thread, Chris, the pseudo-canonical URL is posts.pnut.io/53238, but the reply-in-thread url is pnut.io/@chrisaldrich/51228#53238
That's all fine, but the posts.pnut URL doesn't give a username
@dgold Both of those seem to show the reply in thread. If you do posts.pnut.io/53238#53238, it redirects to the latter version with username, and keeps the fragment ID, so scrolls to the target post still. @jeremycherfas @chrisaldrich