@Badenough I always liked the campaigns that had dungeons within it at various places, like offshoots you could choose to go through (or not). These usually were a little more difficult than the regular campaign, but also had some better loot to get.
@hybotics I like this idea. I'll need to get a little better at dungeon mapping before I can really use it but I like it (I'm fairly new to Dm-ing and this is the first major campaign that I'm doing from scratch. I've only run modules so far)
@Badenough This was always the most interesting for me, because even with a stock module you can insert stuff at strategic points. The better loot on inserted stuff encourages players to go there because they are mostly greedy. Insert hints in the module.
@Badenough Remember, you can do this with a stock module too. It is a good way to ease into doing it with your own campaign. :)
@hybotics I feel like the 5e starter set actually does an alright job at doing this. There are a few times that if you go on a side section of a dungeon that you find loot you would have never found before. I'm thinking I'll get the hang of it soon enough.
@Badenough You will get it soon enough. I would try adding some stuff into a stock module first. Pay special attention to make sure what you add melds with what is already there. Continuity is very important!